Class of the titans Wiki
The Underworld
Biographical Information
Name: Underworld
Gods: Hades
Goddess: Persephone
Occupants: Atropos

King Minos

Status: Active

Helmet of Darkness
Hall of Judgement

Physical Description
Character Information
First appearance: Chaos 101

The Underworld (seen in episode Chaos 101, Man's Worst Enemy and episode Road to Hades, Cold Day in Hades) - The ancient Greek realm of the dead, ruled over by Hades and his wife, Persephone. The three-headed dog Cerberus guards its gates, Campe guards its prisoners, King Minos judges the entering souls, and Charon ferries the dead across the river, but only if you pay him with gold coins. The deepest area is Tartarus, where Cronos was imprisoned after his defeat at the hands of Zeus.. You must be dead in order to enter, although the heroes circumvent this rule by sneaking through the picture of the The Four seasons in Persephone's solarium. There are also other secret passages, but Chiron] is adamant that they remain so. Asphodel grows plentifully, but wandering off the path that leads to it will turn you to stone. In the first episode of season 2 Cronus takes over the underworld and unleashes Thanatos on the heroes but is eventually defeated yet again.


The deepest area is Tartarus, where Cronos was imprisoned after his defeat at the hands of Zeus. This prison is known for those who have commited the greatest offenses.

Elyisun Fields[]

Heroes reside in Elysium, the one place in the underworld that isn't dark and gloomy, but idyllic and peaceful instead.

Plains of Asphodel[]

In Greek mythology, asphodel is a plant sacred to Persephone and grows in the Underworld. There is an entire field of aconite growing in the field, but anyone who steps off the path to enter will turn to stone. Odie solved the problem by putting the path's dirt into his shoe so technically he is still on the path.


After Peirithous and Theseus' wives died, they pledged to carry off daughters of Zeus; Theseus chose Helen of Sparta and together they kidnapped her when she was 13 years old and were going to wait until she was older to marry. Pirithous chose a more dangerous prize, Persephone herself. They travelled to The Underworld, and stopped to rest on the Chair of Forgetfulness and found themselves unable to stand up from the rock as they saw The Furies appear before them.

Hercules freed Theseus from the chair, but the earth shook when he attempted to free Pirithous. He had committed too great a crime for wanting the wife of a god.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


  • In Road to Hades, Persephone claims that the Aconite flower is the only plant that grows in the Underworld. It is later shown in Forget Me Not that poppy flowers grow outside of Hypnos' cave.

Extended Links[]
